Cat Colony Management Course

MENA’s first and only Certified Cat Colony Management Course

Win Support for Stray Cat Colonies

Master the skills we use to protect thousands of cats

Help END needless animal suffering

Solve problems, reduce complaints, save money

Sign up Today and take action that directly improves the lives of animals!

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Before this Course

Never-ending cycle of suffering for stray cats, increasing cat populations, increasing complaints from residents and property managers, overwhelmed rescuers and shelters.

After this Course

We'll help you reduce stray cat populations through humane methods, establish healthy managed cat colonies, learn ways to effectively manage colony problems and win support.

Before this Course

Never-ending cycle of suffering for stray cats, increasing cat populations, increasing complaints from residents and property managers, overwhelmed rescuers and shelters.

After this Course

We'll help you reduce stray cat populations through humane methods, establish healthy managed cat colonies, learn ways to effectively manage colony problems and win support.

Do any of these points describe your situation?

logo-numberManagement are threatening to remove my colony cats! I don't know what to do!

I care about stray cats and want to learn the best methods to help them!

logo-numberI am part of group of rescuers not being taken seriously and face daily challenges.

logo-numberI am feeding stray cats and feel like a criminal, facing angry residents threatening to kill the cats!

logo-numberMy home is full of cats and I can't handle it anymore!

Then this is the course for you! I'll show you how I effectively handled these situations. Course is designed for Middle East and North Africa.

What to Expect

Overcome Daily Challenges

Establish and maintain approved cat colonies and learn strategies to handle the daily challenges that rescuers and caregivers face.

Community Cat Colonies

Learn how to avoid and resolve conflicts with community members, residents, authorities and pest control.

Become Certified

Your certification will help you to make a strong case and improve chances of approval for Managed Cat Colonies from Property Management / Owners

What to Expect

Overcome Daily Challenges

Establish and maintain approved cat colonies and learn strategies to handle the daily challenges that rescuers and caregivers face.

Community Cat Colonies

Learn how to avoid and resolve conflicts with community members, residents, authorities and pest control.

Become Certified

Your certification will help you to make a strong case and improve chances of approval for Managed Cat Colonies from Property Management / Owners

Course Highlights:

Learn How To:


Master the effective techniques and equipment to use for humane trapping and TNR procedures to reduce time, effort and costs


Feed and provide water for community cats in a responsible, clean, and organised way whilst saving time, effort and costs


Handle emergency situations in managed cat colonies and different types of rescues


Develop effective plans and budgets for cat colony management


Distribute cats and handle new cats in a colony


Provide shelter and protection for colony cats in adverse weather conditions


Offer onsite and offsite medical care and disease prevention for colony cats


Develop adoption and rehoming strategies for colony cats


Learn conflict management and behavioural assessment techniques for cat colonies


Foster a sense of unity among residents by involving them in your mission to care for stray cats and create a more compassionate neighbourhood


Equip yourself with strategies to educate tenants about responsible community cat care and the benefits of fostering or adopting cats


Handle emotional and physiological well-being, grief and compassion fatigue while caring for colonies


Develop medium to long-term strategies for the positive impact on environmental balance and understanding the implications of stopping colony management efforts.

Module Overview:

This is a 5 hour, online, expert led, course covering the following modules. Learn at your own pace but you have 30 days from access to complete the course:



Introduction and Course Overview (10 mins)

- Empowering Our Impact

- 1001 Paws Credentials

- Ahmed Salim’s Introduction and Top Tips to benefit from the course

- The Lasting Legacy of 'Cat Colony Management Course'

- Why do Cat Colonies Face Challenges and how can you benefit from this course?

- Testimonials

- Take the First Step!


Module 1: Understanding the Bigger Picture

Empowering Advocates (60mins)

- Why is there a stray cat problem?

- Where do the cats come from?

- Understanding the key factors facing stray cat health and population growth

- Understanding cultural, religious, regional attitudes and government policies related to stray cats

- Overview of Managed Cat Colonies and success stories

- How Managed Cat Colonies serve so many problems

- What is Cat Colony Management? Understanding your role

- Looking Ahead to Module Two

By the end of this module, you will have a deeper understanding of the bigger context to the cat population problem and the various factors that contribute towards the situation both negatively and positively. This session is critical as it will empower you with the key narrative to help win any discussion or argument about the case for cat colonies in rising stray cat population locations in the MENA region


Module 2: How to Plan and Win Support

Strategize Success: Secure Support for Your Cat Colony Initiative (60mins)

- Recruiting core team

- Identifying and assessing the existing stray cat situation

- Gathering data and information, use of surveillance cameras, feeding, trackers, fact gathering from existing residents and workers

- Mapping out the macro and micro situation. Threats and Opportunities

- Creating plans and budgets for managing the colony

- Preparing proposals to Property Management

- How to present to Residents, Property Management / Owners, what to say and what not to say to improve chances for initial approval of a Managed Cat Colony

By the end of this module, you will know the exact approach and wording to use to improve your chances to get support and approval for a Managed Cat Colony.

You will have templates for proposals, documents and plans… You will also know techniques to quickly assess the stray cat population in a specific area.


Module 3: How to Establish the Cat Colony

Foundation First: Building a Safe and Sustainable Cat Colony (60mins)

- Handling immediate challenges for cats and people involved

- Establishing a cat colony feeding and care strategy and how to save money

- Conducting a health assessment

- Monitoring, Reporting and Escalation Processes

- Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) and vaccinations, how to trap, what equipment to use

- Understanding stray and abandoned cat behaviour

- Learn the steps of human trapping and pre and post surgery spay / neuter care

- Know the different ways to trap cats, the most effective equipment to use, trigger cameras, bait, handling gloves and in trap care

- What to look for when choosing veterinary services and why it makes a difference

By the end of this module, you’re ready to get hands on dealing with the current stray cat situation in your area. You’ll know how to organise highly effective TNR programmes use equipment and the same methods that I’ve used to establish colonies for 2700 cats.

You won’t have to waste time trying to learn the hard way. This course packs 6 years and thousands of rescue hours into easy ‘How To’ guides


Module 4: How to Maintain the Cat Colony

Long-Term Care: Ensuring the Health and Harmony of Your Cat Colony (60mins)

- Nutrition, water and feeding, what works

- Feeding stations, how to make them, what works

- Proving shelter from adverse weather and protection where possible

- Onsite and offsite medical care

- Disease prevention and treatment

- Ongoing TNR and vaccinations

- Adopting and rehoming strategies

- Managing conflict in the colony and behavioural assessment

- Handling emergency crisis and different types of rescue

By the end of this module, you’ll know how to maintain a cat colony in a sustainable way, keep costs down, knowing how to set up feeding programmes and deal with health care and crisis.


Module 5: How to Keep Going for a Better Future

Stay Committed: Sustaining Progress for a Brighter Cat Colony Future (30mins)

- Growing and managing a team

- Managing community relations

- Educating the community

- Funding strategies

- Avoiding and resolving conflict with community, authorities and pest control

- Your emotional and physiological wellbeing

- Medium to long term strategies, impact on environmental balance

- What happens if I want to stop?

- Impact on the region and animal welfare

By the end of this module, you’ll be more prepared to handle the on-going challenges facing the management of Cat Colonies and begin developing a longer term plan.


Module 6: Online Assessment and Certification

Prove Your Expertise: Online Assessment and Certification for Cat Colony Management (30mins)

- At the end of this course, you’ll be tested with an online assessment

- If you pass this assessment, then you’ll be issued with a certificate: 1001 Paws Certification for Cat Colony Manage

- This certificate will give credibility to your efforts setting up and maintaining managed cat colonies

After the course, join 1001 Paws online community of certified animal rescuers, sharing experiences and new skills. Successful students can, for a limited time only, join a live online session with Ahmed Salim, held every two weeks, with other certified students from May till the end of August 2024.

Learn More

About Us

After many years first hand experience, we have put together the first ever Humane and Certified Cat Colony Management Course specifically for the Middle East and North Africa. Designed to help you win support for managed cat colonies and transform your communities.

Gain comprehensive knowledge on effective cat colony management, including humane trapping, feeding, and care techniques. Learn best practices for health assessments, population control, and community engagement. Develop practical skills and strategies to ensure the well-being and sustainability of stray cat colonies.

Our experienced professionals have transformed hundreds of cat colonies into sustainable, approved and successful colonies.

That’s why we have:


Thousands of cats in managed colonies


Delivered this course to over 700 participants


Engaged 30 million people online


Served 914,500+ meals in 2023 alone


Rehabilitated hundreds of stray and abandoned cats

Master Colony Care. Transform Cat Welfare. Empower Certified Stray Solutions.

Become a Certified Cat
Colony Manager

Earn Trust and Recognition for Your Contribution to Animal Welfare

Complete our course and receive a certification in cat colony management from the international organization 1001 Paws (UK). This not only validates your knowledge and skills but also instills trust in your efforts to create and effectively manage cat colonies. Let your contribution to animal welfare be acknowledged and valued.

Get certified so you're not alone, you'll be part of a growing rescue community.
Register Now


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1001 Paws - Animal Care School